What is the definition of main idea and supporting details?

SUPPORTING DETAILS • A paragraph contains facts, statements, examples-specifics which guide us to a full understanding of the main idea. They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea and are supporting details.Click to see full answer. Moreover, what is the definition of a supporting detail?supporting detail. noun. Supporting detail is additional information that explains, defines or proves the main idea. how do you identify the main idea? It is easy to identify a main idea that is directly expressed in the text. Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage. Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentences of a paragraph. Just so, what is the purpose of supporting details? They come after the topic sentence, making up the body of a paragraph. What do they do? They give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph.What are examples of supporting details?Description: Arguments, evidence, and direct examples are all supporting details that will help you make claims and prove your points. Supporting details strenghten the validity of thesis statements, and help persuade the reader to take interest in what you communicate.
