Jobs with Stratos Solutions Inc

At Stratos our employee-owners are our top priority. We believe that happiness leads to success, not the other way around. We are committed to our mission and to helping our customers, and each other, succeed. Anywhere you turn across the mission enterprise we support, there is a Stratosian ready to help you accomplish your goal. Through integrity and mutual trust (and plenty of friendly get-togethers) we have built a culture in which people can flourish. 

We strive to create a corporate culture that is one of respect, diversity, and innovation. We appreciate that a strong work ethic and a sense of fellowship are what build a strong team. We also believe in having fun! 

This is a company built for the employee-owner. Stratos Solutions strives to enrich employee-owner's careers and their lives through a culture of family and a benefit structure designed to maximize employee compensation and attract and retain talented personnel. 

  • 80% Of Employees Possess Field Operations and Mission Experience 
  • Current assignments include The Washington DC Metro Area, Colorado, New Mexico, Australia, UK
  • Stratos Solutions has grown to 80 employees and has maintained a 15-year Retention Rate Of 96% 

Stratos' commitment to the importance of work-life balance is our foundation and this is enabled and reflected in every facet of the company. We provide a flexible, “best of breed” compensation and benefits package to meet your needs. We have an inclusive culture that fosters teamwork, diversity, philanthropy, and technical excellence.  
